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Vim: A Modal Text Editor
Efficient CLI Usage with Tmux
Software Control Management
💻 SCM Option #1 - GitHub
💻 SCM Option #2 - GitLab
Ansible Overview
💬 Introduction to Ansible
Day 1- Ansible Basics
💬 Introduction to YAML
💻 Making an Inventory
💻 Running a Playbook
💻 ansible.cfg setup
💻 Looping Tasks
💻 Setting Variables: Part 1
💻 Setting Variables: Part 2
Day 2- Critical Modules and Keywords
💻 Ansible Module - copy
💻 Ansible Module - file
💻 Ansible Module - get_url and uri
💬 Templating with Jinja
💻 Ansible Module - template
💻 When Condition
💻 Playbook Tags
Day 3- Advanced Ansible
💻 Ansible Handlers and Listeners
💻 Ansible Error Handling
💻 Ansible Lookup Plugin
💻 Ansible Callback Plugins
💬 Collections, Roles, and Ansible Galaxy
💻 Using Collections
💻 Using Roles
💻 Making Roles
💻 Making Collections
💻 Ansible Vault
Day 4- Ansible Network Automation Tools
💻 Network API Calls
💻 Exploring Switches with Ansible
💻 Ansible Get Switch Config and Archive
💻 network_cli Playbook
💻 Network Playbooks and Vendor Specific Modules
💻 Backup Cisco, Juniper, Arista, and More
💻 Agnostic Network Modules
💻 Simplifying Network Playbooks with Agnostic Modules
Day 5- Ansible Networking Best Practices
💻 Network Playbooks, Set Fact, and Fail
💻 Network Playbook Error Handling
💻 Network Playbook Precheck
💻 Network Playbooks with Roles and Rollbacks
💻 Ansible and TextFSM
Additional Tools
💻 Roles and Molecule
💻 Ansible Module - script
💻 Writing an Ansible Module with Python