π» Register for Poll
π» Welcome to the Alta3 Research Lab Environment
Up and Running
π» Using Vi and Vim
π» Using VSCode
AI Lab Assistance
π» Meet VIRGIL: Your AI Lab Coach
Ansible Overview
π¬ Intro to Ansible
Software Control Management
π» SCM Option #1 - GitHub
π» SCM Option #2 - GitLab
π¬ Introduction to Ansible
π» Methods for Installing Ansible
π» Ansible Host Inventory
π» Ad-Hoc Modules and Gather Facts
π» Running a Playbook
π» Debug, Loops, and YAML Lists
π» When Conditionals, YAML Dictionaries, and Jinja
π» ansible.cfg setup
π» Building Playbooks - Bootstrap with raw, group and user Modules
Builtin Modules
π» Ansible Module - shell
π» Ansible Module - copy
π» Ansible Module - apt
π» Ansible Module - yum
π» Ansible Module - file
π» Ansible Module - git
π» Ansible Module - mount
π» Ansible Module - template
π» Deploying Web Services with Ansible
π¬ Ansible and HTTP
π» Ansible Module - uri
Galaxy and Collections
π¬ Supporting a New Storage Vendor
π» Roles and ansible-galaxy
π» Ansible Galaxy
π» Ansible Collections
Dell Compute
π¬ Ansible for DellEMC PowerEdge Servers
Dell EMC Storage
π» Ansible for Dell EMC PowerMax Storage
π» Ansible for Dell EMC PowerScale (Isilon)
π» Ansible for Dell EMC Unity
π» Ansible and Dell ECS S3
Storage Automation
π» Ansible for Pure Flash Array
π» Ansible for NetApp
Beyond Basics
π» Loops and Mapping YAML Vars Files in Playbooks
π» Playbook Tags
π» Ansible Handlers and Listeners to deploy Apache Web Service
π» Ansible Error Handling
π» pre_tasks, roles, tasks, post_tasks, and handlers
π» Ansible Keywords: register and when
π»Reading Variables into Playbooks
Plugin System
π» ansible-doc
π» Ansible Lookup Plugin
π» Ansible Callback Plugins
π» Ansible Plugin System
π¬ Ansible Dynamic Inventory
π» Ansible and AWS
π» Playbook Vars Prompt
π» Ansible Vault
π» Roles and Molecule
π» Ansible Playbook Output Logging
π» Ansible Module - script
π» Ansible, Python Methods, and Jinja Filters
π» Ansible for Brocade
π» Introduction to Jenkins
π» Case Study: Ansible Tower
π¬ Ansible Best Practice
π¬ Linux Fundamentals
π¬ Glossary
π¬ Curriculum Path: NetDevOps