💻 Register for Poll
💻 Welcome to the Alta3 Research Lab Environment
Up and Running
💻 Using Vi and Vim
💻 Using VSCode
💻 Tmux
💻 API Design with Python - Alta3 Research Certification Project
AI Lab Assistance
💻 Meet VIRGIL: Your AI Lab Coach
Intro to APIs
💬 Intro to APIs
Software Control Management
💻 SCM Option #1 - GitHub
💻 SCM Option #2 - GitLab
💬 Object Oriented Programming for APIs
💬 Practical Application of Lists
💻 Lists
💬 Practical Application of Dict
💻 Dictionaries
🏆 List and Dict Modeling
💻 Your First API Request
Working with JSON Data
💬 Python Data sets vs JSON
💻 Python Data to JSON file
💬 Introduction to HTTP
💻 Standard vs. Third Party Libraries and Open APIs
💻 requests library - Open APIs
💻 requests library - RESTful GET and JSON parsing
💬 APIs and JSON Decode
🏆 Key-pairs and HTTP GET
RESTful APIs beyond HTTP GET
💻 requests library - GET vs POST to REST APIs
💻 APIs and Dev Keys
💻 RESTful APIs and Dev Keys
💬 OAuth
Python WebServer and Client
💻 Construct a SimpleHTTPServer and HTTP Client
Best Practice
💬 RESTful API Best Practices
Building APIs with Flask
💬 Intro to Flask
💻 Building APIs with Python
💬 Introduction to Jinja
💻 Flask APIs and Jinja2
🏆 Jinja2
🏆 Jinja2 Solution
💻 Flask APIs and Cookies
💻 Flask Sessions
💬 Controlling your APIs
💻 Flask Redirection, Errors, and API Limiting
💻 Flask Uploading and Downloading Files
Database Integration
💬 Learning sqlite3
💻 Tracking API Data with sqlite3
💻 Tracking Inventory with sqlite3
APIs within Enterprise
💻 Flask and waitress
💻 Running Flask in a Docker Container
💻 Introduction to FastAPI
Building APIs with Django
💬 Introduction to Django
💻 Introduction to Django
Django Basics
💻 Intro to Django Views
💻 Controlling HTTP Response Codes
💻 Returning JSON with Django
💻 Making requests with Django
Django App
💻 Django App Design - To-Do app
Designing APIs
💻 Swagger
💬 Glossary
Continuing Education
💻 Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and Python
💻 Designing and Building Our Own API
💻 Continuing Education
💬 Introduction to Threads
💻 Working With Threads
💻 Threads and API requests
💻 Introduction to Asynchronous Programming with AsyncIO
💻 pandas dataframes with Excel, csv, json, HTML and beyond
💻 Paramiko - SFTP with UN and PW
💻 Paramiko - SSH with RSA Keys
💬 Curriculum Path: Developer