💻 Register for Poll
💻 Welcome to the Alta3 Research Lab Environment
Up and Running
💻 Using Vi and Vim
💻 Tmux
💻 Alta3 Research Ansible Tower / AWX Certification
AI Lab Assistance
💻 Meet VIRGIL: Your AI Lab Coach
Software Control Management
💻 SCM Option #1 - GitHub
💻 SCM Option #2 - GitLab
AWX on Kubernetes
💬 AWX on Kubernetes
💻 Deploying AWX on Kubernetes
Ansible AWX
💬 Ansible AWX
AWX Frontend
💻 Introduction to the AWX GUI
💻 Tower / AWX Projects
💻 Connecting Projects with SSH Keys
💻 Project Schedules
💻 Tower and AWX Job Templates
💻 Tower and AWX Job Template Schedules
💬 Role Based Access Controls in Tower AWX
🏆 Running Jobs in Tower AWX
AWX Variables
Template Surveys
Template Prompt on Launch
💬 SCM to Tower AWX Webhooks
💻 Triggering AWX builds with WebHooks
💻 Pull Requests
💬 Ansible Workflow
💻 Ansible and CI CD
💬 ansible-runner
💻 Ansible Runner
💻 ansible-builder
🏆 Create an Execution Environment
Artifact Workflows
💬 AWX Tower gather_fact Artifacts
💻 Playbook Artifacts
💻 Configuring Tower AWX with Playbooks
Tower and AWX API
💻 Tower and AWX API
💻 Tower AWX CLI
AWX Tower Management
💬 Expand the AWX Cluster HA
💻 awx-manage
💬 Expand the AWX Execution Space
💻 ansible-navigator
Ansible and GitLab
💻 Ansible and CI Workflows with GitLab
AWX Tower and Kubernetes Deployments
💬 Kubernetes Architecture
💬 Pods and the Control Plane
💬 Custom Resource Definitions
💬 Helm
💬 Kubernetes the Alta3 Way
💻 Installing AWX on Kubernetes with Helm
AWX Capstone Exercises
🏆 Exec Envs and Env Vars
🏆 Configure Tower AWX with a Playbook
Continuing Education
💬 Planning & Consulting with Alta3 Research
💬 Glossary
💬 Curriculum Path: NetDevOps