
Architecting DevOps & DevSecOps CI / CD Pipelines and Automations

Essential Skills Gained


Building custom Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) workflows


Take control of project flows build Python, Ansible, and GoLang applications


Practice team collaboration methods for projects and advancing code


How Git and GitHub actions can trigger builds, testing, and deployment of container images to production environments, such as Azure App service, and Kubernetes


4 day course with lecture and hands-on labs.


DevOps Engineers

Software Developers

Marketing and Sales Engineers

Telecommunications Professionals

Managers and Directors

Quality Assurance & Site Reliability Professionals


This course covers what attendees need to design successful CI / CD pipelines using a variety of popular platforms including GitHub Actions, GitLab CI/CD, and Jenkins. Students will write a variety of code including Python and Ansible scripting, that will trigger a variety of automated behaviors upon git commits and pull (or merge) requests. Some of the triggered DevOps automations include testing, running scripts, building and releasing containerized services. DevSecOps paradigms include running security apps such as password and token detection, as well as other popular DAST and SAST tools.

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Prefix Chapters

  • 💻 Register for Poll

  • Welcome to Alta3 Live

  • Vim: A Modal Text Editor

  • Efficient CLI Usage with Tmux

  • Revision Control with GitHub


  • 💻 Introduction to Git

  • 💻 Git Branching

Core Git Concepts

  • 💻 Revision Control with GitHub

  • 💻 Pull Requests

  • 💻 Collaborating with the Team

  • 💻 GitHub Desktop

Core CI / CD Concepts

  • 💬 Intro to DevOps

  • 💻 Docker Containers

  • 💻 Dockerizing A Python Flask App or Creating A Container Image

GitHub Actions

  • 💻 GitHub Actions – Automatically Triggered Events

  • 💻 GitHub Actions – Manually Triggered


  • 💬 Up and Running with GitLab

  • 💻 Generating and Using SSH Keys

  • 💻 Git and GitLab Interaction

  • 💻 Fixing Merge Conflicts

  • 💬 Writing Markdown in GitLab

  • 💬 GitLab Project Wikis

  • 💻 GitLab Collaboration

  • 💻 GitLab Webhooks

  • 💻 GitLab API Calls

GitLab CI CD

  • 💻 Introduction to CI CD

  • 💻 Building a Docker Image

  • 💻 Creating gitlab-ci.yml

  • 💻 Lifecycling a GoLang App with GitLab

  • 💬 GitLab Container Repository

  • 💻 GitLab Integration with Kubernetes Clusters


  • 💬 Intro to DevOps

  • 💻 GitHub Actions - GitLeaks

  • 💻 GitHub Actions – Terraform

  • 💻 GitLab gitlab-ci.yml – DevSecOps as a Service

Jenkins Basics

  • 💻 Deploying Jenkins with Docker

  • 💬 Jenkins Dashboard

  • 💻 Freestyle Projects and Workspaces

  • 💻 Triggering Jenkins Builds with WebHooks

  • 💻 Installing Jenkins Plugins


  • 💻 Docker Build Agents

  • 💻 Python Builds

  • 💻 Ansible Builds


  • 💬 Continuous Integration

  • 💻 Creating Jenkins Scripted Pipelines

  • 💬 Declarative vs Scripted Pipelines

  • 💬 Jenkins REST API


  • 💬 Ansible Overview

  • 💻 Understanding YAML

  • 💻 Introduction to Playbooks

  • 💻 Playbooks and Variables

  • 💬 Ansible Modules

  • 💻 Architecting Pipelines with Ansible


  • 💻 Architecting a GitHub CI / CD Pipeline

  • 💻 Architecting a GitLab CI / CD Pipeline

  • 💻 Webhooking Jenkins for CI / CD Automation

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