Prefix Chapters
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Welcome to Alta3 Live
Vim: A Modal Text Editor
Efficient CLI Usage with Tmux
Revision Control with GitHub
💻 Introduction to Git
💻 Git Branching
Core Git Concepts
💻 Revision Control with GitHub
💻 Pull Requests
💻 Collaborating with the Team
💻 GitHub Desktop
Core CI / CD Concepts
💬 Intro to DevOps
💻 Docker Containers
💻 Dockerizing A Python Flask App or Creating A Container Image
GitHub Actions
💻 GitHub Actions – Automatically Triggered Events
💻 GitHub Actions – Manually Triggered
💬 Up and Running with GitLab
💻 Generating and Using SSH Keys
💻 Git and GitLab Interaction
💻 Fixing Merge Conflicts
💬 Writing Markdown in GitLab
💬 GitLab Project Wikis
💻 GitLab Collaboration
💻 GitLab Webhooks
💻 GitLab API Calls
GitLab CI CD
💻 Introduction to CI CD
💻 Building a Docker Image
💻 Creating gitlab-ci.yml
💻 Lifecycling a GoLang App with GitLab
💬 GitLab Container Repository
💻 GitLab Integration with Kubernetes Clusters
💬 Intro to DevOps
💻 GitHub Actions - GitLeaks
💻 GitHub Actions – Terraform
💻 GitLab gitlab-ci.yml – DevSecOps as a Service
Jenkins Basics
💻 Deploying Jenkins with Docker
💬 Jenkins Dashboard
💻 Freestyle Projects and Workspaces
💻 Triggering Jenkins Builds with WebHooks
💻 Installing Jenkins Plugins
💻 Docker Build Agents
💻 Python Builds
💻 Ansible Builds
💬 Continuous Integration
💻 Creating Jenkins Scripted Pipelines
💬 Declarative vs Scripted Pipelines
💬 Jenkins REST API
💬 Ansible Overview
💻 Understanding YAML
💻 Introduction to Playbooks
💻 Playbooks and Variables
💬 Ansible Modules
💻 Architecting Pipelines with Ansible
💻 Architecting a GitHub CI / CD Pipeline
💻 Architecting a GitLab CI / CD Pipeline
💻 Webhooking Jenkins for CI / CD Automation