Certified Kubernetes Administrator
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💬 Welcome
💬 The CKA Exam
💻 Kubernetes Proficiency Test
Learning Your Environment
💬 Underlying Infrastructure
💻 Using Vim
💻 Tmux
Cluster Architecture
💬 Kubernetes Architecture
💬 Pods and the Control Plane
💬 Kubeadm Prerequisites
💻 Kubeadm Prerequisites
💬 Configure Network Plugin Requirements
💻 Configure Network Plugin Requirements
💬 Kubeadm Basic Cluster
💻 Installing Kubeadm
💬 Join Node to Cluster
💻 Join Node to Cluster
Cluster Administration
💬 ETCD Snapshot and Restore
💻 ETCD Snapshot and Restore
💬 Kubeadm Cluster Upgrade
💻 Kubeadm cluster upgrade
💬 Purge Kubeadm
💻 Purge Kubeadm
💬 Kubernetes the Alta3 Way
💻 Deploy Kubernetes using Ansible
💬 Container Essentials
💻 Creating a Docker Image
Pod Basics
💬 Manifests
💻 Basic Pods
💬 Namespaces
💻 Namespaces
💬 API Versioning and Deprecations
💬 Kubectl get and sorting
💻 kubectl get
Resource Management
💻 Kubectl Top and Application Monitoring
💬 Limits, Requests, and Namespace ResourceQuotas
💻 Resource Requests and Limits
💻 Namespace Resource Quota
💬 Admission Controller
💻 Create a LimitRange AdmissionController
User Administration
💬 Contexts
💻 Contexts
💬 Role Based Access Control
💻 Role Based Access Control
💻 RBAC Distributing Access
Advanced Pod Design
💬 Readiness and Liveness Probes
💻 Implement Probes and Health Checks
💬 ConfigMaps and Volume Mounting
💻 Persistent Configuration with ConfigMaps
💬 Secrets
💻 Create and Consume Secrets
💬 Multi-Container Pods
💻 Creating Ephemeral Storage For Fluentd Logging Sidecar
💬 Init Containers
💻 Understand the Init Container Multi-Container Pod Design Pattern
💬 Taints, Tolerations, and Pod Affinity
💻 Tainted Nodes and Tolerations
💬 Logging with kubectl log
💻 Utilize Container Logs
💬 Advanced Logging Techniques
💬 Labels
💻 Labels and Selectors
💬 Annotations
💻 Insert an Annotation
Replica and Daemon Sets
💬 ReplicaSets
💻 Create and Configure a ReplicaSet
💬 DaemonSets
💬 Deployments - Purpose and Advantages
💻 Writing a Deployment Manifest
💬 Deployments - Version Control
💻 Performing Rolling Updates and Rollbacks with Deployments
💬 Blue/Green and Canary Deployment Strategies
💻 Advanced Deployment Strategies
💬 Deployments - Horizontal Scaling
🏆 Horizontal Pod Autoscaling
Persistent Storage
💬 Persistent Volumes, Claims, and StorageClasses
💻 Using PersistentVolumeClaims for Storage
💬 PVC, PV, and StorageClass config
💻 Persistent Storage with NFS
Services & Networking
💬 NetworkPolicy
💻 Deploy a NetworkPolicy
💻 Namespace Network Policy
💬 Services - LoadBalancer, NodePort, and ClusterIP
💻 Access to applications via services
💬 Networking Plugins
💬 Ingress Controllers
💻 Ingress Controllers Expose a Service
💬 Hostnames and FQDNs
💻 Hostnames and FQDNs
💬 CoreDNS
💻 Install CoreDNS
💬 Configure CoreDNS
💻 Configure CoreDNS
💻 Revert CoreDNS to KubeDNS
Continuing Education
💻 Continuing Education
💬 Curriculum Path: ContainerOrchestration
Further Study
💬 Configure Rsyslog TLS (SSL)
💬 K8s/OVS Integration
💻 Installing Open vSwitch on a Kubernetes Cluster with Calico CNI