Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist
💻 Register for Poll
💬 Welcome
💬 The CKS Exam
💻 Kubernetes Proficiency Test
Learning Your Environment
💬 Underlying Infrastructure
💻 Using Vim
💻 Tmux
Cloud Security Primer
💬 Basic Principles
💬 Threat Analysis
💬 Approach
💻 CIS Benchmarks
Securing your Kubernetes Cluster
💬 Kubernetes Architecture
💬 Pods and the Control Plane
💬 Kubernetes Security Concepts
Install Kubernetes using kubeadm
💬 Configure Network Plugin Requirements
💻 Configure Network Plugin Requirements
💬 Kubeadm Basic Cluster
💻 Installing Kubeadm
💬 Join Node to Cluster
💻 Join Node to Cluster
💬 Kubeadm Token
💻 Manage Kubeadm Tokens
💬 Kubeadm Cluster Upgrade
💻 Kubeadm Cluster Upgrade
Securing the kube-apiserver
💬 Configuring the kube-apiserver
💻 Enable Audit Logging
💬 Falco
💻 Deploy Falco to Monitor System Calls
💬 Encrypt Data at Rest
💻 Encryption Configuration
💬 Benchmark Cluster with Kube-Bench
💻 Kube-Bench
Securing ETCD
💬 ETCD Isolation
💬 ETCD Disaster Recovery
💬 ETCD Snapshot and Restore
💻 ETCD Snapshot and Restore
Purge Kubernetes
💬 Purge Kubeadm
💻 Purge Kubeadm
Image Scanning
💬 Container Essentials
💬 Secure Containers
💻 Creating a Docker Image
💬 Scanning with Trivy
💻 Trivy
💬 Snyk Security
Manually Installing Kubernetes
💬 Kubernetes the Alta3 Way
💻 Deploy Kubernetes the Alta3 Way
💬 Validate your Kubernetes Installation
💻 Sonobuoy K8s Validation Test
Kubectl (Optional)
💬 Kubectl get and sorting
💻 kubectl get
💻 kubectl describe
Labels (Optional)
💬 Labels
💻 Labels and Selectors
💬 Annotations
💻 Insert an Annotation
Securing your Application
💬 Scan a Running Container
💻 Tracee
💬 Security Contexts for Pods
💻 Understanding Security Contexts
💬 AppArmor Profiles
💻 AppArmor
💬 Isolate Container Kernels
💻 gVisor
User Administration
💬 Contexts
💻 Contexts
💬 Authentication and Authorization
💬 Role Based Access Control
💻 Role Based Access Control
💻 RBAC Distributing Access
💬 Service Accounts
💻 Limit Pod Service Accounts
Implementing Pod Policy
💬 Admission Controller
💻 Create a LimitRange
💬 Pod Security Standards
💻 Enable PSS
💬 Open Policy Agent
💻 Deploy Gatekeeper
Securing Secrets
💬 Secrets
💻 Create and Consume Secrets
💬 Hashicorp Vault
Securing the Network
💬 Networking Plugins
💬 NetworkPolicy
💻 Deploy a NetworkPolicy
💻 Namespace Network Policy
💬 mTLS
💻 mTLS with Linkerd
💻 Linkerd Dashboard
Threat Analysis and Detection
💬 Active Threat Analysis
💬 Host Intrusion Detection
💬 Network Intrusion Detection
💬 Physical Intrusion Detection
Continuing Education
💻 Continuing Education
💬 Curriculum Path: ContainerOrchestration