π» Register for Poll
π» Welcome to Alta3 Research Labs
Getting Started
π» OPTIONAL - Using vim
π» Efficient CLI Usage with Tmux
π» (OPTIONAL) - Git and GitLab Certification Project
AI Lab Assistance
π» Meet VIRGIL: Your AI Lab Coach
Core Git Concepts
π» Introduction to Git
π» Git Branching
π» Up and Running with GitLab
π» Generating and Using SSH Keys
π» Git and GitLab Interaction
π» Fixing Merge Conflicts
π» Writing Markdown in GitLab
π» GitLab Project Wikis
π» GitLab Collaboration
π» GitLab Webhooks
π» GitLab API Calls
GitLab CI CD
π¬ Introduction to CI CD
π» Building a Docker Image
π» Creating gitlab-ci.yml
π» Lifecycling a GoLang App with GitLab
π» GitLab Container Repository
π¬ GitLab Integration with Kubernetes Clusters
π» Intro to DevOps
π» Intro to DevSecOps
π» Git Merge Strategies
π» Migrating to GitLab from...
π» Additional GitLab Tools
π» Configure Git to use a Proxy
π» Git Merge, Rebase, and Squash
π¬ Glossary
Continuing Education
π¬ Planning & Consulting with Alta3 Research
π¬ Curriculum Path: ServerAdministration
π¬ Curriculum Path: ContainerOrchestration
π¬ Curriculum Path: Developer
π¬ Curriculum Path: NetDevOps