Welcome to Alta3 Research Labs!
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Required Tools
💻 Vim: A Modal Text Editor
💻 Efficient CLI Usage with Tmux
From Containers to Kubernetes
💬 Kubernetes Architecture
💬 Pods and the Control Plane
💻 Define, build, and modify container images
🚀💬 Kubernetes the Alta3 Way
💻 Deploy Kubernetes using Ansible
Pod Basics
💬 Manifests for Pods
💻 Create and Configure Basic Pods
💬 API Versioning and Deprecations
Cluster Basics
💬 Namespaces and Fundamental Kubectl Commands
💻 Creating and Configuring Namespaces
💬 Kubectl get and sorting
💻 Listing Resources with kubectl get
Container Health, Security, and Observability
💬 Kubectl port-forward
💻 Kubectl port-forward
💬 Kubectl exec and cp
💻 Performing Commands inside a Pod
💬 Readiness and Liveness Probes
💻 Implement Probes and Health Checks
💬 Pod Security Contexts
💻 Applying Security Contexts
Resource Management
💬 Limits, Requests, and Namespace ResourceQuotas
💻 Defining Resource Requirements, Limits and Quotas
💻 Kubectl Top and Application Monitoring
🚀💬 Admission Controller
🚀 Create a LimitRange AdmissionController
💬 Role Based Access Control
💻 Service Accounts
💬 Contexts
💻 Cluster Access with Kubernetes Context
💬 Utilize Container Logs
💻 Kubectl Log Command
🚀💬 FluentD and RsysLog
Ephemeral Storage
💬 ConfigMaps and Volume Mounting
💻 Persistent Configuration with ConfigMaps
💬 Secrets
💻 Create and Consume Secrets
Persistent Storage
💬 Persistent Volumes, Claims, and StorageClasses
💻 Using PersistentVolumeClaims for Storage
💬 Persistent Volumes with CSI
🚀 CSI Storage Solution: NFS
Multi-Container Pod Design
💬 Multi-Container Pods
💻 Using EmptyDir Volumes with Sidecars
🚀 Configuring a Fluentd Logging Sidecar
🚀💬 Init Containers
🚀 Using Init Container for Pod Initialization
💬 Labels
💻 Labels and Selectors
💬 Annotations
💻 Insert an Annotation
💬 ReplicaSets
💻 Create and Configure a ReplicaSet
💬 DaemonSets
💻 Create and Configure a DaemonSet
💬 Deployments - Purpose and Advantages
💻 Create and Configure a Deployment
💬 Deployments Rollout
💻 Performing Rolling Updates and Rollbacks
💬 Blue/Green and Canary Deployment Strategies
💻 Advanced Deployment Strategies
💬 Deployments - Horizontal Scaling
🚀 Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
Jobs and CronJobs
💬 Jobs and CronJobs
💻 Running and Executing a Job
💻 Scheduling a CronJob
Affinity and Anti-Affinity
💬 Taints, Tolerations
💻 Tainted Nodes and Tolerations
💬 NetworkPolicy
💻 Network Policy Basics
💻 Namespace Network Policy
Services and Ingress
💬 Networking with Services
💻 Expose Applications via Services
🚀💬 Networking Plugins
💬 Ingress Controllers
💻 Expose Applications via Ingress Controllers
🚀💬 Hostnames and FQDNs
🚀 Utilizing FQDNs
Helm and Kustomize
💬 Helm
💻 Making Charts and Templates with Helm
💻 Deploy Existing Packages via Helm
💻 Using Kustomize
Extending Kubernetes
💬 Custom Resource Definitions
💻 Introduction to CRDs
💻 Troubleshooting
💬 Tips to Pass your CKAD Exam!
Continuing Education
💻 Continuing Education
💬 Curriculum Path: ContainerOrchestration