Ansible 301 - Customizing Ansible


4 days



Essential Skills Gained

Advanced Ansible skills and tools

Creating your own collection

Writing your own Ansible plugin module or other plugins

Playbook and solution architecture including best practices and solutions throughout industry


4 day course with lecture and hands-on labs.


DevOps Engineers

System and Cloud Administrators

Network Engineers and Developers

Python Developers


This course is designed to move students beyond Ansible Essentials, and joins Ansible with other DevOps skill sets, including: Python scripting, utilizing Ansible Galaxy, running automated solutions with Jenkins, syncing code with Git and GitHub, continuous integration, debugging / linting, and much more! The lessons are built around current concepts observed within enterprises using Ansible.

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  • 💻 Register for Poll

  • 💻 Welcome to the Alta3 Research Lab Environment

  • 💻 Using Vi and Vim


  • 💻 Alta3 Research Customizing Ansible Certification

AI LLM Toolkit

  • 💻 Large Language Model toolkit for AI Solution Assistance

Software Control Management

  • 💻 SCM Option #1 - GitHub

  • 💻 SCM Option #2 - GitLab

  • 💻 Git Branching

Ansible Review

  • 💻 Complete Playbook Design Guide

Creating Ansible Plugins

  • 💻 Getting dir(obj) help() and pydoc

  • 💻 Dictionaries

  • 💻 Lists

  • 💻 Python Data to JSON file

  • 💻 Python Data to YAML file

  • 💻 Writing an Ansible Module with Python

  • 💻 Ansible Lookup Plugin


  • 💻 Ansible Collections

  • 💻 Ansible Galaxy

Dynamic Inventory

  • 💬 Ansible Dynamic Inventory

  • 💻 YAML, JSON, Dynamic, and Cloud Inventories


  • 💻 Ansible Best Practice

  • 💻 Roles and Molecule

  • 💻 Ansible Lint

CI CD Tools

  • 💬 Ansible Workflow

  • 💻 Ansible and CI CD

  • 💻 Ansible Runner

  • 💻 ansible-builder

  • 💻 Building Custom Ansible Execution Environments

  • 💻 Triggering AWX builds with WebHooks

  • 💻 Pull Requests

  • 💻 AWX Playbooks

Ansible and GitLab

  • 💻 Ansible and CI Workflows with GitLab

AWX Studies

  • 💻 K8S Pods And Control Plane

  • 💻 Deploying AWX on Kubernetes


  • 💻 K8S Architecture

  • 💻 Deploying Kubernetes using Ansible


  • 💻 Reverse Engineering Enterprise Playbooks


  • 💻 Update Windows with Ansible

  • 💻 Ansible Windows and Downloading Resources

  • 💻 Checking Windows Services with Ansible

  • 💻 Automating Windows MSI Files

  • 💻 Ansible and Windows Registry Editor

Case Studies

  • 💻 postgreSQL with Python


  • 💬 Glossary

  • 💬 Curriculum Path: NetDevOps

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