💻 Register for Poll
💻 Welcome to the Alta3 Research Lab Environment
💻 Using Vi and Vim
💻 Alta3 Research Customizing Ansible Certification
AI Lab Assistance
💻 Meet VIRGIL: Your AI Lab Coach
Software Control Management
💻 SCM Option #1 - GitHub
💻 SCM Option #2 - GitLab
💻 Git Branching
Ansible Review
💻 Complete Playbook Design Guide
Creating Ansible Plugins
💻 Getting dir(obj) help() and pydoc
💻 Dictionaries
💻 Lists
💻 Python Data to JSON file
💻 Python Data to YAML file
💻 Writing an Ansible Module with Python
💻 Ansible Lookup Plugin
💻 Ansible Collections
💻 Ansible Galaxy
Dynamic Inventory
💬 Ansible Dynamic Inventory
💻 YAML, JSON, Dynamic, and Cloud Inventories
💻 Ansible Best Practice
💻 Roles and Molecule
💻 Ansible Lint
CI CD Tools
💬 Ansible Workflow
💻 Ansible and CI CD
💻 Ansible Runner
💻 ansible-builder
💻 Building Custom Ansible Execution Environments
💻 Triggering AWX builds with WebHooks
💻 Pull Requests
💻 AWX Playbooks
Ansible and GitLab
💻 Ansible and CI Workflows with GitLab
AWX Studies
💻 K8S Pods And Control Plane
💻 Deploying AWX on Kubernetes
💻 K8S Architecture
💻 Deploying Kubernetes using Ansible
💻 Reverse Engineering Enterprise Playbooks
💻 Update Windows with Ansible
💻 Ansible Windows and Downloading Resources
💻 Checking Windows Services with Ansible
💻 Automating Windows MSI Files
💻 Ansible and Windows Registry Editor
Case Studies
💻 postgreSQL with Python
💬 Glossary
💬 Curriculum Path: NetDevOps