Prefix Chapters
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💻 Welcome to Alta3 Live
💻 Vim: A Modal Text Editor
💻 Efficient CLI Usage with Tmux
💻 SCM - Github
AI Lab Assistance
💻 Meet VIRGIL: Your AI Lab Coach
Introduction to Microservices
💬 Why Microservices?
💬 Containerization
💻 Define, build and modify container images
💬 Intro to Kubernetes
💻 Deploy Kubernetes using Ansible
💬 Kubernetes Architecture
💻 Deploy a Microserviced Boutique
Microservice Considerations
💬 Application Considerations
💬 Infrastructure Considerations
Building our Monolith
💬 Our Monolith
💻 Deploy a Monolith
💬 Understanding Services
💬 Service Discovery
💻 Create a Service Registry
💬 Patching Our Monolith
💻 Connecting Our Monolith to the Service Registry
Databases and Service Runtime
💬 Microservices Transition Patterns
💻 Create Your First Microservice (menu)
💬 The DockerFile Base
💬 Building on the DockerFile Base
💻 Containerize Menu Microservice
💻 Containerize 'To-do list' Service
💬 Microservice Integration
💻 Integrating Your Menu Microservice
💻 Making More Microservices
💬 Microservices Application
💬 Scaling Microservices
💻 Integrating More Microservices
💬 Containerize the Service Registry
🏆 CHALLENGE! Containerize the Service Registry
💬 Feedback Loops
💬 Jenkins
💬 Blue/Green and Canary Deployment Strategies
💻 Advanced Deployment Strategies
💬 Other (outside) Services to be Aware Of
Deploying in Production
💬 Docker Compose
💻 Deploy a Sock Shop with Docker Compose
💻 Launch Your Microservices with Docker-Compose
💬 Container Registries
💻 Creating a Container Registry
💬 Introduction to Kubernetes
💻 Deploy Your Microservices in Kubernetes
💻 Improving Our Application, One Microservice at a Time
Multi-Container Pod Design
💬 Multi-Container Pods
💻 Understand the Sidecar Multi-Container Pod Design Pattern
💬 Init Containers
💻 Understand the Init Container Multi-Container Pod Design Pattern
Jobs and CronJobs
💬 Jobs and CronJobs
💻 Understand Jobs and CronJobs
Persistent Storage
💬 Persistent Volumes, Claims, and StorageClasses
💻 Using PersistentVolumeClaims for Storage
💬 Stateful Containers for Testing
💻 Persistent Storage with NFS
Case Studies
💻 📃 Cancelled Microservice Adoption
💻 📃 O'Reilly Microservices Adoption 2020
💻 📃 Netflix and Microservices
Continuing Education
💻 Continuing Education