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Vim: A Modal Text Editor Efficient CLI Usage with Tmux Revision Control with GitHub
Day 1: Next.js Foundations
Next.js Architecture
💬 Next.js Mental Model and App Router
💻 Project Setup with Modern Next.js Features
Server Components and Client Components
💬 Understanding the Server/Client Component Model
💻 Building Your First Server Component
💻 When and How to Use Client Components
Routing and Layouts
💬 App Router Navigation Patterns
💻 Creating Nested Layouts
💻 Implementing Dynamic Routes
💻 Working with Route Groups and Parameters
Data Fetching Fundamentals
💬 Modern Data Fetching Patterns
💻 Server Component Data Fetching
💻 Static vs Dynamic Data Fetching
💻 Route Handlers for API Endpoints
Day 2: Advanced Data and Application Architecture
Advanced Data Fetching
💬 Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR)
💻 Implementing ISR with Revalidation
💻 Caching and Mutation Strategies
Database Integration
💬 Database Options and Prisma Setup
💻 Building Models with Prisma
💻 CRUD Operations with Route Handlers
Authentication with NextAuth.js
💬 Authentication Patterns in Next.js
💻 Implementing OAuth with NextAuth.js
💻 Protected Routes and Middleware
Real-Time Data with WebSockets
💬 WebSocket Integration in Next.js
💻 Building a Real-Time Chat Feature
Day 3: Production and Scale
Performance Optimization
💬 Next.js Performance Patterns
💻 Image and Asset Optimization
💻 Implementing Streaming and Suspense
Deployment and Infrastructure
💬 Deployment Strategies
💻 Deploying to Vercel
💻 Environment Configuration and Monitoring
Advanced Application Patterns
💬 Monorepo Architecture with Turborepo
💻 Setting Up a Monorepo
💻 Sharing Components and Types
SEO and Analytics
💬 SEO Best Practices in Next.js
💻 Implementing Metadata API
💻 Analytics and Performance Monitoring
Full-Stack Challenges
💻 Challenge Build an Admin Dashboard