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Welcome to Alta3 Live
Vim: A Modal Text Editor
Efficient CLI Usage with Tmux
Revision Control with GitHub
Day 1- Foundational Python
💻 Built-in Functions
💻 Custom Functions
💻 Objects and Methods
💬 Python Lists
💻 Python Lists
💬 Python Dictionaries
💻 Python Dictionaries
💬 Conditionals
💻 If, Elif, and Else Conditions
💻 While Loops
Day 2- Foundational Python (Continued)
💻 For Loops
💬 Reading and Writing to Files
💻 Reading Files
💻 Using Modules
💻 PIP and Third Party Libraries
💻 Try and Except
💻 Python Classes & Inheritance
Day 3- APIs, Network Diagnostics and Analysis
💬 APIs and Networking
💻 Accessing APIs with requests
💻 Networking APIs with requests
💻 Python for Network Captures and Wireshark
💻 Examining Network Capture pcaps Files with termshark
💻 Performing ICMP Checks
💻 Python and Regular Expression for Searching
Days 4 & 5- Remote Network Configuration
💬 Introducing Paramiko
💻 Paramiko and SFTP
💻 Automating Commands Across SSH
💬 Python to Cisco NX-OS
💻 Netmiko for Router and Switch Automation
💻 Lightweight Database Interactions
💻 Getting Switch Configuration with NAPALM
💻 Switch Validation and NAPALM
Additional Labs and Tools
💻 Using Argparse
💻 Controlling run time with Environmental Variables
💻 Python and Regular Expression for Searching
💻 Controlling run time with Environmental Variables
💻 Exploring Network Interfaces
💻 Python Telnet Client
💻 Testing Code with PyTest
💻 Automating HTTP Requests
💻 Automating HTTP Requests with Async IO
Optional- PCEP Certification Guide
💬 Introduction to the PCEP Exam
💻 Advanced Numbers and Operators
💻 Pythonic Loops and Iteration
💻 Advanced Lists and Tuples
💻 Advanced Functionality and Error Handling