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Welcome to Alta3 Live
Vim: A Modal Text Editor
Efficient CLI Usage with Tmux
Revision Control with GitHub
React Basics
💬 React, JSX, and the React Ecosystem
💻 Setting Up Your React Environment and Tools
Component Architecture and State Management
💻 Creating and Using Functional Components
💬 State vs Props - Key Concepts
💻 Managing State with
and Passing Props💻 Combining State and Props for Interactive Components
Events and Interactivity
💻 Adding Event Listeners and Handling User Input
💻 Conditional Rendering and Dynamic UI Updates
💻 Build a Dynamic To-Do List Application
Advanced React Concepts
💻 Using
for Side Effects💻 Building and Using Custom Hooks
💻 Implementing Global State with Context
Routing with React Router
💻 Setting Up Navigation with React Router
💬 Dynamic and Nested Routing
💻 Building a Multi-Page App
Performance and Styling
💻 Optimizing Component Rendering with
and Lazy Loading💻 Styling Components with CSS Modules and Styled Components
Testing React Applications
💬 Introduction to Jest and React Testing Library
💻 Writing Unit and Integration Tests for Components
Final Project
💻 Build a Fully Functional Weather Dashboard Application