Penetration Testing with Kali Linux

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5 days



Essential Skills Gained

Writing basic scripts and tools to aid in the penetration testing process.

Analyzing, correcting, modifying, cross-compiling, and porting public exploit code.

Conducting remote, local privilege escalation, and client-side attacks.

Identifying and exploiting XSS, SQL injection, and file inclusion vulnerabilities in web applications.


5 day course with lecture and hands-on labs.


Pentesters seeking one of the best pentesting certifications.

Those interested in pursuing a penetration tester career path.

Security professionals.

Network administrators.

Other technology professionals.


Penetration Testing with Kali Linux (PWK) is an online pentesting course designed for security professionals and network administrators who want to take a serious and meaningful step into the world of professional penetration testing. This best-in class training course introduces students to the latest ethical hacking tools and techniques, including remote, virtual penetration testing labs for practicing the course materials. PWK simulates a full penetration test from start to finish by immersing the student into a target-rich and vulnerable network environment. Students who pass the exam earn the industry-leading OSCP certification. Exam Reference: OffSec Certified Professional (OSCP). Delivery Format: 5:1:6 • 5 weeks guided self-study **pre-work** • 1 week Online Live immersive **boot camp** • 6 bi-weekly Online Live

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Penetration Testing: What You Should Know

  • This module introduces you to the course and sets expectations.

  • About The PWK Course.

  • Overall Strategies for Approaching the Course.

  • Obtaining Support.

  • About Penetration Testing.

  • Legal considerations.

  • The and Sandbox.local Domains.

  • About the PWK VPN Labs.

  • Reporting.

  • About the OSCP Exam.

Getting Comfortable with Kali Linux

  • Booting Up Kali Linux.

  • The Kali Menu.

  • Kali Documentation.

  • Finding Your Way Around Kali.

  • Managing Kali Linux Services.

  • Searching, Installing, and Removing Tools.

Command Line Fun

  • The Bash Environment.

  • Piping and Redirection.

  • Text Searching and Manipulation.

  • Editing Files from the Command Line.

  • Comparing Files.

  • Managing Processes.

  • File and Command Monitoring.

  • Downloading Files.

  • Customizing the Bash Environment.

Practical Tools

  • Netcat.

  • Socat.

  • PowerShell and Powercat.

  • Wireshark.

  • Tcpdump.

Bash Scripting – NEW in 2020

  • Intro to Bash Scripting.

  • Variables.

  • If, Else, Elif Statements.

  • Boolean Logical Operations.

  • Loops.

  • Functions.

  • Practical Examples.

Passive Information Gathering

  • Using OSINT to gather information, including the use of shodan and pastebin.

  • Taking Notes.

  • Website Recon.

  • Whois Enumeration.

  • Google Hacking.

  • Netcraft.

  • Recon-ng.

  • Open-Source Code.

  • Shodan.

  • Security Headers Scanner.

  • SSL Server Test.

  • Pastebin.

  • User Information Gathering.

  • Social Media Tools.

  • Stack Overflow.

  • Information Gathering Frameworks.

Active Information Gathering

  • DNS Enumeration.

  • Port Scanning.

  • SMB Enumeration.

  • NFS Enumeration.

  • SMTP Enumeration.

  • SNMP Enumeration.

Vulnerability Scanning

  • Vulnerability Scanning Overview and Considerations.

  • Vulnerability Scanning with Nessus.

  • Vulnerability Scanning with Nmap.

Web Application Attacks

  • Burp Suite, PHP Wrappers.

  • Web Application Assessment Methodology.

  • Web Application Enumeration.

  • Web Application Assessment Tools.

  • Exploiting Admin Consoles.

  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS).

  • Directory Traversal Vulnerabilities.

  • File Inclusion Vulnerabilities.

  • SQL Injection.

Buffer Overflow Intro

  • Introduction to the x86 Architecture.

  • Buffer Overflow Walkthrough.

Windows Buffer Overflows

  • Discovering the Vulnerability.

  • Win32 Buffer Overflow Exploitation.

Linux Buffer Overflow

  • About DEP, ASLR, and Canaries.

  • Replicating the Crash.

  • Controlling EIP.

  • Locating Space for Your Shellcode.

  • Checking for Bad Characters.

  • Finding a Return Address.

  • Getting a Shell.

Client-Side Attacks

  • HTA Attacks, Microsoft Word Macros, Object Linking and Embedding (DDE).

  • Know Your Target.

  • Leveraging HTML Applications.

  • Exploiting Microsoft Office.

Using Public Exploits

  • A Word of Caution.

  • Searching for Exploits.

  • Putting It All Together.

Fixing Exploits

  • Fixing Memory Corruption Exploits.

  • Fixing Web Exploits.

File Transfers

  • Considerations and Preparations.

  • Transferring Files with Windows Hosts.

Bypassing Antivirus Software

  • What is Antivirus Software.

  • Methods of Detecting Malicious Code.

  • Bypassing Antivirus Detection.

  • Wrapping Up.

Privilege Escalation

  • Information Gathering.

  • Windows Privilege Escalation Examples.

  • Linux Privilege Escalation Examples.

  • Enumerating Firewall and Status Rules, Bypassing UAC.

  • Wrapping Up.

Password Attacks

  • Mimikatz.

  • Wordlists.

  • Brute Force Wordlists.

  • Common Network Service Attack Methods.

  • Leveraging Password Hashes.

  • Wrapping Up.

Port Redirection and Tunneling

  • HTTP tunneling.

  • Port Forwarding.

  • SSH Tunneling.

  • PLINK.exe.

  • NETSH.

  • HTTPTunnel-ing Through Deep Packet Inspection.

  • Wrapping Up.


  • Advanced options with multi/handler, transport modules, Meterpreter.

  • Section: Metasploit User Interfaces and Setup.

  • Exploit Modules.

  • Metasploit Payloads.

  • Building Our Own MSF Module.

  • Post-Exploitation with Metasploit.

  • Metasploit Automation.

  • Wrapping Up.

Active Directory Attacks (Domains)

  • Active Directory Theory.

  • Active Directory Enumeration.

  • Active Directory Authentication.

  • Active Directory Lateral Movement.

  • Active Directory Persistence.

  • Includes Kerberos attacks, password spraying AD.

  • Wrapping Up.

PowerShell Empire

  • Introduction to PowerShell Empire and the use of Power-Up.

  • Installation, Setup, and Usage.

  • PowerShell Modules.

  • Switching Between Empire and Metasploit.

  • Wrapping Up.

Assembling the Pieces: Penetration Test Breakdown

  • Sandbox.local hands-on walkthrough.

  • Public Network Enumeration.

  • Targeting the Web Application.

  • Targeting the Database.

  • Deeper Enumeration of the Web Application Server.

  • Targeting the Database Again.

  • Targeting Poultry.

  • Internal Network Enumeration.

  • Targeting the Jenkins Server.

  • Targeting the Domain Controller.

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