SUSE Kubernetes Administration (KUB201v1.29)


3 days



Essential Skills Gained

Attendees will be taught the following concepts and skills:

- Containers and Orchestration Concepts

- An introduction to Kubernetes

- The Basics of Kubernetes


3 day course with lecture and hands-on labs.


This course is designed for system administrators and others who want to administer Kubernetes.


This two-day partner delivered course is designed for system administrators, DevOps, system engineers and others who need an introduction to Containers, Kubernetes. The course begins with an introduction to containers and container orchestration. Students will learn about and explore Kubernetes, including launching applications, configuring networking, storage and security, and using Helm to deploy applications. The course includes comprehensive presentation content to introduce new concepts and processes and extensive hands-on experience.

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SUSE Kubernetes (sk8s)

  • 💻 Register for Poll

  • 💬 Welcome to Alta3 Live

  • 💻 Vim: A Modal Text Editor

  • 💻 Efficient CLI Usage with Tmux

  • 💻 Start the Lab Environment

  • 💬 Introduction to Containers and Container Orchestration

  • 💬 Basic Kubernetes Administration

    • 💻 Use Basic kubectl Commands

    • 💻 Work with Namespaces in Kubernetes

    • 💻 Work with Labels and Selectors

  • 💬 Kubernetes Workload Administration

    • 💻 Deploy Basic Pods Using a Deployment

    • 💻 Delete and Redeploy a Deployment

    • 💻 Update Pods in a Deployment

    • 💻 Work with Node Selectors

    • 💻 Work with Taints and Tolerations

    • 💻 Scale a Deployment

    • 💻 Configure Horizontal Pod Autoscaling

  • 💬 Configuration for Kubernetes Objects

    • 💻 Use Environment Variables in a Pod

    • 💻 Use ConfigMaps to Set Environment Variables

    • 💻 Define and Access ConfigMaps as Volumes

    • 💻 Define and Access Secrets as Volumes

    • 💻 Define and Access Secrets as Environment Variables

    • 💻 Create a TLS Secret

    • 💻 Create an ssh-auth Secret

  • 💬 Cluster Networking, Services, and Ingress in Kubernetes

    • 💻 Create and Edit a Service for an Application Using a Manifest

    • 💻 Create a Service for an Application from the CLI

    • 💻 Configure Ingress for an Application

    • 💻 Configure Ingress with TLS for an Application

  • 💬 Storage in Kubernetes

    • 💻 Configure ReadWriteMany Persistent Storage with NFS

  • 💬 Application Management on Kubernetes with Kustomize

    • 💻 Manage Applications with Kustomize

  • 💬 Application Management on Kubernetes with Helm

    • 💻 Add a Repository to Helm

    • 💻 Deploy an Application with Helm

  • 💬 Resource Usage Control in Kubernetes

    • 💻 Define Default Limits for Pods in a Namespace

    • 💻 Define Limits for Containers and Pods

    • 💻 Define Quotas for a Namespace

    • 💻 Test Quotas for a Namespace

  • 💬 Role Based Access Controls Security in Kubernetes

    • 💻 Create Service Accounts

    • 💻 Create kubeconfig Files for User Accounts

    • 💻 Create Roles and ClusterRoles

    • 💻 Create RoleBindings and ClusterRoleBindings

    • 💻 Test RBAC in Kubernetes


  • 💬 Persistent Volumes, Claims, and StorageClasses

  • 💻 Using PersistentVolumeClaims for Storage

  • 💬 Curriculum Path: ServerAdministration

  • 💬 Curriculum Path: ContainerOrchestration

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