SUSE Kubernetes (sk8s)
💬 Welcome to Alta3 Live
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💻 Vim: A Modal Text Editor
💻 Efficient CLI Usage with Tmux
💻 Start the Lab Environment
💬 Introduction to Containers and Container Orchestration
💻 Create and Examine a Container
💬 Basic Kubernetes Administration
💻 Use Basic kubectl Commands
💻 Deploy a Simple Pod
💻 Using Init Container for Pod Initialization
💻 Configuring a Fluentd Logging Sidecar
💻 Work with Namespaces in Kubernetes
💻 Work with Labels and Selectors
💬 Kubernetes Workload Administration
💻 Deploy Basic Pods Using a Deployment
💻 Delete and Redeploy a Deployment
💻 Deploy Pods in a StatefulSet
💻 Performing Rolling Updates and Rollbacks
💻 Work with Node Selectors
💻 Work with Taints and Tolerations
💻 Scale a Deployment
🏆 Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
💬 Configuration for Kubernetes Objects
💻 Use Environment Variables in a Pod
💻 Use ConfigMaps to Set Environment Variables
💻 Define and Access ConfigMaps as Volumes
💻 Define and Access Secrets as Volumes
💻 Define and Access Secrets as Environment Variables
💻 Create an ssh-auth Secret
💻 Create a TLS Secret
💬 Cluster Networking, Services, and Ingress in Kubernetes
💻 Create and Edit a Service for an Application Using a Manifest
💻 Create a Service for an Application from the CLI
💻 Expose Applications via Ingress Controllers
💬 Storage in Kubernetes
💻 Configure ReadWriteMany Persistent Storage with NFS
💬 Application Management on Kubernetes with Kustomize
💻 Manage Applications with Kustomize
💬 Application Management on Kubernetes with Helm
💻 Add a Repository to Helm
💻 Deploy an Application with Helm
💬 Resource Usage Control in Kubernetes
💻 Define Default Limits for Pods in a Namespace
💻 Define Limits for Containers and Pods
💻 Define Quotas for a Namespace
💻 Test Quotas for a Namespace
💬 Role Based Access Controls Security in Kubernetes
💻 Create Service Accounts
💻 Create kubeconfig Files for User Accounts
💻 Create Roles and ClusterRoles
💻 Create RoleBindings and ClusterRoleBindings
💻 Test RBAC in Kubernetes
💬 Persistent Volumes, Claims, and StorageClasses
💻 Using PersistentVolumeClaims for Storage
💬 Curriculum Path: ServerAdministration
💬 Curriculum Path: ContainerOrchestration