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Welcome to Alta3 Live
Vim: A Modal Text Editor
Efficient CLI Usage with Tmux
Revision Control with GitHub
AI Lab Assistance
💻 Meet VIRGIL: Your AI Lab Coach
Introduction to Terraform
💬 Terraform Course Map
💬 Introduction to Terraform and AWS
Software Control Management
💻 SCM Option #1 - GitHub
💻 SCM Option #2 - GitLab
Overview of Terraform
💻 Terraform Install
Terraform Modules
💬 Terraform HCL Syntax
💻 Up and Running with Terraform
💻 Terraform Variables
💻 Output Values
💬 Avoid the :latest Tag
💬 Managing AWS with Terraform
💻 Terraform and AWS
💬 Exploring Terraform AWS modules
💻 Starting with VPC
💻 Creating EC2 Instances
💻 Tracking State with S3 and Databases
💻 Creating an AWS Module
Beyond Basics
💻 Terraform CLI Workspaces
💻 Terraform Expressions and Errors
💻 Resources - replace vs taint
💻 Dynamic Operations with Functions
💻 Creating a Terraform Module
💻 Moving State - terraform state mv
💻 Dynamic Provisioning with tfvars Files
💻 Data Sources and HTTP Provider
💬 for_each
💻 Looping Constructs - for_each
💻 local-exec Provisioner
💻 Creating Delays
💻 Terraform - templatefile Function
Terraform Cloud
💻 Terraform Cloud and Terraform Enterprise
💻 Triggering Cloud Builds via Git Commits
Dynamic Blocks
💻 Dynamic Blocks
Terraform and Enterprise
💻 Deploy a Go RESTful API microservice with Terraform
💬 Terraform vs. Ansible
💻 Terraform and Ansible
Helpful DevOps Tools (OPTIONAL)
💻 GitHub Actions - GitLeaks
💻 GitHub Actions - Terraform
Terraform Review
💬 HashiCorp Terraform Study Guide
Continuing Education
💬 Planning & Consulting with Alta3 Research
💬 Curriculum Path: ServerAdministration
💬 Glossary