WebRTC Deployment

Essential Skills Gained

A valid domain: sip.alta3.com

NTP config update

A SSL certificate: lets-encrypt

SIP client: js.sip


5 day course with lecture and hands-on labs.



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  • 💻 Register for Poll


  • 💻 Welcome to Alta3 Labs

  • 💻 Navigation

Getting Started

  • 💻 Vim: A Modal Text Editor

  • 💻 Efficient CLI Usage with Tmux

AI LLM Toolkit

  • 💻 Large Language Model toolkit for AI Solution Assistance

Software Control Management

  • 💻 SCM Option #1 - GitHub

Installing WebRTC Playground

  • 💻 Introducing the WebRTC Playground

  • 💬 RTPEngine

  • 💻 Install RTPEngine

  • 💬 Kamailio

  • 💻 Install Kamailio

  • 💬 SIP-JS

  • 💻 Install SIP-JS

  • 💻 Install nginx


  • 💻 DEMO-Install coturn


  • 💻 SIP Domains

  • 💻 Dial Plan-PDT

  • 💻 DialPlan module

  • 💻 IP Tables

  • 💻 IP Table testing

  • 💻 Analyzing websockets

Installing a SIP B2B-UA

  • 💻 Install Asterisk

SIP Fundamentals

  • 💻 Introduction to VoIP

  • 💻 Termshark

SIP Registrars

  • 💻 SIP Architecture

  • 💻 Successful REGISTER by a User Agent

  • 💻 REGISTER Fails Auth

  • 💻 deREGISTER Log Out


  • 💻 Regular Expression

  • 💻 Routing the INVITE

  • 💻 The SIP INVITE

  • 💻 SIP INVITE Packet Analysis with Wireshark

Establishing Calls

  • 💻 SIP Dialog

  • 💬 SIP Entities

Call Flows

  • 💻 Basic SIP Call Flows

  • 💻 SIP 3xx Redirection

SIP Proxies

  • 💻 Call Routing

  • 💻 INVITE Relay by SIP Proxies

  • 💻 No Record Routes

  • 💻 SIP URIs

  • 💻 CANCELed SIP call

  • 💻 Global Failures or 6xx responses

Supporting Systems

  • 💻 SIP and the DNS

SIP Headers

  • 💻 Common SIP Headers

Session Description Protocol

  • 💻 Session Description Protocol

  • 💻 Session Description Protocol

  • 💻 SDP Video Call Setup

  • 💻 SDP Video Call Setup Fails

Real-Time Transport Protocol

  • 💻 Real-time Transport Protocol

  • 💻 One-Way Media

Dual Tone Multi Frequency

  • 💻 Transmitting DTMF

  • 💻 Methods for Transport of DTMF

SIP Timers

  • 💻 SIP Timers

SIP Security

  • 💻 SIP Security

NAT Issues

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