💻 Register for Poll
💻 Welcome to the Alta3 Research Lab Environment
Up and Running
💻 Using Vi and Vim
💻 Efficient CLI Usage with Tmux
AI Lab Assistance
💻 Meet VIRGIL: Your AI Lab Coach
Introduction to Network Analysis
💬 Overview of Network Analysis
💬 Introduction to TCP IP Terms
Getting Started with Wireshark
💻 Introduction to Using Wireshark
Capturing Packets
💬 Starting and Stopping Captures with Wireshark
💻 Using TCPdump to make pcap Files for Wireshark
💻 Introduction to Termshark
Basic Analysis Techniques
💻 Ethernet Analysis - ARP Broadcast
💻 Ethernet Analysis - Unicast
💬 Encoding
💻 Using the Packet Bytes Window
💻 Wireshark - tshark
Filtering Techniques
💬 Display Filters in Wireshark
💻 Working with Display Filters
💬 Wireshark Colorization Rules
💻 Find packet
💻 Flow and IO Graphs
💻 PCAPs to Text, CSV, JSON, XML, and PDF
💻 Display Macros
💬 Decoding SSL Traffic with Wireshark
5G Captures
💻 5G Registration Analysis with Wireshark
💻 Analysis of NGAP and the N2 Interface with Wireshark
💻 5G NAS and Wireshark
💻 GTP in 5G
Advanced Analysis Techniques
💻 Resolve Network Addresses with Wireshark
Specialized Protocol Analysis and Wireshark for VoIP
💬 Diameter and SCTP
💻 Diameter Analysis
SIP Stack
💻 Introduction to Wireshark for VoIP
💻 Successful REGISER by a User Agent
💻 Packet Analysis with Wireshark
💻 Troubleshooting a 404
Continuing Education
💬 Planning & Consulting with Alta3 Research
💬 Continuing Education