Network Automation Bootcamp
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Getting Started
💻 Using vim
💻 Introduction to VScode
💻 Using Tmux
AI Lab Assistance
💻 Meet VIRGIL: Your AI Lab Coach
Software Control Management
💻 SCM Option #1 - GitHub
Python Basics
💻 Installing Python
💬 Python IDEs
💬 Python Basics
💻 Print
💻 Shebang
💻 Collecting user input()
🏆 print() and input()
Common Objects
💬 Python Strings
💻 Python Object Methods
💻 String Methods
🏆 Code Repair
💬 Lists
💻 Working with Lists
🏆 Lists, Input, Concatenation)
🏆 Manipulating Lists
💻 List Objects and Methods
💻 Lists of Lists
💬 Dictionaries
💻 Python Dictionaries
🏆 Dictionaries
🏆 Complex Data Slicing
Interacting with the OS
💻 Copying Files and Folders
💻 Moving and Renaming Files and Folders
🏆 Import Modules
💬 Conditionals
💻 Testing with if
💻 IPv4 Testing with if
💻 if name == "main"
💻 Using while, if, elif, else
💻 try and except
🏆 Number Guessing Game
🏆 Conditionals Troubleshooting
🏆 More Troubleshooting
💻 Starting to Learn Loops
💻 Looping with for
💻 for loops and range()
🏆 Range Practice
🏆 Farm Loops
Working with Files
💬 Reading and Writing to Files
💻 Parsing Log Files
💻 Write to Files
💻 Read from Files
🏆 Looping Vampires
Beyond Basics
💻 Scripting Commands with Python
💻 Creating Functions
💻 Defining Functions
💻 Best Practice and pylint
💻 pip and import
🏆 Simplify Code
Python Network Automation Tools
💻 Exploring Network Interfaces
💻 Paramiko and SFTP
💻 Automating Commands Across SSH
💻 Netmiko for Router and Switch Automation
Working with Data Sets
💻 Producing Graphs and Charts
💻 Walking the Directory Tree
💻 Excel and Intro to Pandas
Object Oriented Programming
💻 Creating objects in Python from "Scratch"
💻 Class Inheritance
🏆 More Cheats
💻 Using Classes
Advanced Python
💻 List and Dict Modeling
💬 Introduction to HTTP
💬 Converting JSON to Python Data Types
💻 RESTful APIs and JSON
💻 Standard vs. Third Party Libraries and Open APIs
🏆 API Looping
🏆 ISS Tracker
💻 APIs and Dev Keys
🏆 Query Parameters
💻 Building APIs with Python Flask
Integrating Python and Ansible skills
💻 Python Review
💬 Data Types for Python and Ansible
💻 Python Lists
💻 Python Dictionaries
💬 Ansible Playbook Components
Ansible Essentials
💻 Running a Playbook
💻 Debug Module
💻 Debug, Loops, and YAML Lists
🏆 Looping
💻 Ansible Keywords register and when
🏆 Broken Playbook
🏆 Broken Playbook 2
💻 Ansible Get Switch Config and Archive
💻 Ansible Agnostic Network Modules
💻 Network Playbooks, Set Fact, and Fail
API Operations
💬 RESTful APIs and JSON
💻 Exploring Open APIs
💻 API Tokens with Python and Ansible
SSH Operations
💬 SSH Operations
💻 Paramiko vs Ansible - SSH with RSA Keys
💻 Paramiko - SFTP with UN and PW
💬 Ansible for SSH operations
💻 Ansible "raw" Module
Ansible Tools
💻 Jinja2 Filters
💻 Ansible, Python Methods, and Jinja Filters
Switches and Routers
💬 Netmiko
💻 Running Netmiko
💻 Ansible and TextFSM
Playbook Design
💻 Network Playbook Error Handling
💻 Network Playbook Precheck
💻 Network Playbooks with Roles and Rollbacks
Ansible Workflow
💻 Ansible Collections
💬 Ansible Workflow
💻 ansible-runner
💻 Securing Playbooks with Vault
💻 Playbook Vars Prompts
Building out Playbooks
💻 Ansible Module - template
💻 Ansible and APIs
Python and Ansible
💻 Running a script with Ansible
💻 YAML, JSON, Dynamic, and Cloud Inventories
💻 Writing an Ansible Module with Python
💻 When to Use Python or Ansible
💻 Networking Architecture: The OSI Model
💻 Introduction to TCP/IP
💻 LAB: Navigating your Network
Build the Lab Infrastructure
💻 LAB: Build the Network Namespaces
💻 LAB: Build the Ethernet Bridges
Ethernet Access
💻 Ethernet Switching
💻 LAB: Build and Connect Veths
💻 LAB: Ethernet Analysis with Termshark
IPv4 Addressing
💻 IPv4 Addressing
💻 LAB: Enable IP Forwarding in a Linux Kernel
💻 LAB: Assign IP addresses
💻 LAB: Confirm Link Connectivity
IP Routing
💻 IP Routing Overview
💻 LAB: Configuring Static IP Routes
💻 Packet Forwarding Header Analysis
NAT (Network Address Translation)
💻 NAT (Network Address Translation)
💻 Iptables
💻 LAB: Enable the NAT (Network Address Translation) with Iptables
IPv4 Subnets
💻 Subnetting
🏆 Mini Project
Container Networking
💻 Networking Containers
💻 Networking K8s PODS
ICMP Diagnostic and Error Reports
💻 ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
💻 LAB: Traceroute/MTR Testing
💻 LAB: Speed Testing with IPERF (Internet Performance)
💻 LAB: ICMP Analysis with Termshark
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
💻 DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
💻 LAB: Install a DHCP Service with DNSMasq
💻 LAB: DHCP Packet Analysis with Termshark
💻 Using TCPdump to make pcap Files for Wireshark
💻 vlan
💻 vlan trunking
Network Troubleshooting Labs
🏆 Network Troubleshooting Lab #1
🏆 Network Troubleshooting Lab #2
🏆 Network Troubleshooting Lab #3
🏆 Network Troubleshooting Lab #4
Real World SDN examples
💻 5G is 100% SDN!
Hardware Acceleration
💻 SR-IOV Essentials
Networking KVM
💻 Networking KVM Based VMs
💻 QEMU Networking Primitives
Build an SD-WAN by combining everything we have learned
💻 Wireguard VPN
💻 Wireguard VPN with network namespace termination
SDN Security Best Practices
Securing SDN Best Practices
💻 Network Automation Bootcamp - Capstone Project