Welcome to Alta3 Research Labs!
💻 Exploring Your Lab Environment
💻 Meet VIRGIL: Your AI Lab Coach
💻 Register for Polls
Required Tools
💻 Vim: A Modal Text Editor
💻 Efficient CLI Usage with Tmux
Source Code Management
💬 What to Choose?
💻 SCM Option #1 - GitHub
💻 SCM Option #2 - GitLab
Alta3 Certification
💻 Network Automation with Python and Ansible - Alta3 Research Certification Project
Python and Ansible Overlap
💬 Introducing Python
💻 Getting dir(obj) help() and pydoc
💬 Data Types for Python and Ansible
💻 Python Lists
💻 Python Dictionaries
💬 Ansible Playbook Components
💻 Running a Playbook
💻 Debug and URI Module
💻 Debug, Loops, and YAML Lists
API Operations
💬 RESTful APIs and JSON
💻 Exploring Open APIs
💻 Ansible Keywords: register and when
💻 API Tokens with Python and Ansible
SSH Operations
💬 SSH Operations
💻 Paramiko vs Ansible - SSH with RSA Keys
💻 Paramiko - SFTP with UN and PW
💬 Ansible for SSH operations
💻 Ansible "raw" Module
Ansible Tools
💻 Jinja2 Filters
💻 Ansible, Python Methods, and Jinja Filters
Switches and Routers
💬 Netmiko
💻 Running Netmiko
💻 Network Playbooks, Set Fact, and Fail
💻 Ansible Get Switch Config and Archive
💻 Agnostic Network Modules
💻 Ansible and TextFSM
Playbook Design
💻 Network Playbook Error Handling
💻 Network Playbook Precheck
💻 Network Playbooks with Roles and Rollbacks
Ansible Workflow
💻 Ansible Collections
💬 Ansible Workflow
💻 ansible-runner
💻 Securing Playbooks with Vault
💻 Playbook Vars Prompts
Building out Playbooks
💻 Ansible Module - template
💻 Ansible and APIs
Python and Ansible
💻 Running a script with Ansible
💻 YAML, JSON, Dynamic, and Cloud Inventories
💻 Writing an Ansible Module with Python
💻 When to Use Python or Ansible
Playbook Tests
💻 Roles and Molecule
Case Study
💻 Ansible for Palo Alto PanOS and Panorama
Additional Labs
💬 Introduction to Ansible
💬 Static Inventory
💬 Introduction to YAML
💻 ansible.cfg setup
🏆 Complex Data Slicing
💻 Ad-Hoc Modules and Gather Facts
💻 Ansible Vault
💬 Glossary
Continuing Education
💻 Continuing Education
💬 Curriculum Path: NetDevOps
💬 Curriculum Path: ServerAdministration